The Novo Montréal movement proposes
« To freeze the amount of property taxes, below inflation, during the mandate »
« Manage work differently and eliminate orange cones »
« Increase parking in Montreal by 2,000 spaces»
« Focus on developing the Metro, the best source of urban travel »
« Make Montreal fluid and mobile »
« Increase the supply of social housing services »
« Preventing tax increases directly contributes to the stabilization of rent prices »
« $1.2 billion over a 7 years span is dedicated to cycle paths. It’s time to focus on other priorities”
of the Novo Montréal program
NOTE: The full program will be revealed during the 2025 election year.
For the moment, you can read the summary on the different points of the program that Novo believes are linked to the real priorities of Montrealers, which the current administration is not addressing.
For a faster read, in the right column, you will find Novo's priorities.
Heritage, culture and future Novo proposes to expand the historic side of the city by developing a program dealing with the history of Montreal elsewhere than in Old Montreal. Invite visitors to explore different neighborhoods other than Old Montreal and Downtown. The entire local economy must also benefit from the influx of new money.
Heritage, culture and future Novo proposes a plan to make money available for heritage on a permanent basis with the aim of conserving and restoring buildings in the event of fire or disaster such as the Chapelle du Bon Pasteur.
Heritage, culture and future Make a mandatory aspect in the submission of skyscraper plans to the City, so that they bear a visual signature that helps to set the building apart from others here and especially internationally.
Heritage, culture and future Ensure that libraries throughout the city are up to date in terms of collections.
Management of works Novo proposes to completely review the way public works are carried out in order to give the City of Montreal back to Montrealers. Citizens have the right to enjoy this city, without constantly being bogged down in mountains of orange cones. With Novo's proposal, this will absolutely change. We are giving Montreal back to Montrealers.
Public transport Montreal must devote itself to one or two transport systems. The REM must end where it currently operates. All energy must be directed to the proven underground system, the Metro. Montreal must absolutely catch up with cities similar in size such as Paris and constantly develop this mode of transport, especially being a northern city, this approach is appropriate. There are examples around the world in which metro construction is done for less than a billion per kilometer, stations included.
Property tax Novo proposes a real property tax freeze contrary to the broken promises of the municipal administration in place. The municipal administration has a duty to set an example in times of inflation and not increase its budget, which has not been done for 8 years except once during the pandemic. Novo proposes a freeze on property taxes, below inflation during a first mandate. The current administration is doing nothing to achieve this goal.
Homelessness and Drugs Novo presents a new way to attack the problem of homelessness and drug addicts. Helping these two categories of people no longer means helping them by providing syringes and only providing short-term help. This new plan will be presented and implemented with the boroughs, social workers and the police force. We must change the method which has been in use for more than 50 years and which has not given tangible results.
Number of elected officials and democracy Democracy, in most districts, is completely absent. In addition, the over-representation of elected officials is unique in North America. It is not normal to have more than 100 elected officials for a population of not even 2 million citizens. Novo proposes to return to 57 councilors for the entire City of Montreal. A great way to save money.
Sound management Montreal's annual budget is approximately $6.8 billion (2023). Montreal's gross debt is close to $8.5 billion. One of Novo's priorities is to create balanced budgets. Montreal must escape the spiral of collective debt and learn to live with more reasonable expenses. The current municipal administration is not working on this priority. There are many programs, supported by the current administration, which must either disappear, be revised or reduced.
Note: Between 2022 and 2028 (7 years), $1.2 billion has been dedicated to cycle paths. It is time to focus on other priorities.
Sound management Make the Ombudsman responsible for more areas within the municipal administration.
Green alleys The City of Montreal, over the years, has completely abandoned alleys. Everything is centered around a program, attempting to make citizens responsible for their livable alley. The current administration “cheats” with democracy by imposing on citizens, through a minority, the presence of green alleys. Novo offers, instead of green alleys, clean alleys. Take back control of the City's role in the maintenance of alleys, without additional costs, and with respect for all citizens, not just a small minority. Clean alleys must, at all times, be accessible to trades, services, the fire department and citizens of all neighborhoods of Montreal.
Clean streets Restart the graffiti “erasure” program on public and private property.
Building inspection The City of Montreal has the role on its territory of doing what the Régie du logement does elsewhere; inspect buildings under construction or renovation. Currently this service is paralyzed and ineffective. Novo proposes to give inspection services decision-making powers on the spot to quickly resolve problems to avoid accidents and long, often unnecessary or even ineffective proceedings before the courts. There are plenty of possible decisions that must be made immediately. It is also to this service that full responsibility for implementing the regulations regarding online platforms falls.
Water management No privatization and no increase in residential water tax.
Management of public spaces The dynamism, effervescence and wealth of the community must regain the upper hand in this city made slow and inefficient in terms of taxation and especially in the movement of people. Fluidity is at the heart of the world’s great metropolises. The city has a duty to make this fluidity as efficient as possible. Mobility necessary for the city’s economy. In addition, Novo proposes to introduce the notion of Grand Boulevard starting with a project in the southeast of the City.
Parking in Montreal After multiple attempts to reform the agency that deals with parking, the City of Montreal must take control of parking administration and recover more than $20 million lost each year. The current administration supports this form of management, where the City of Montreal loses a lot of money. In addition, Novo is committed to creating more than 2,000 additional parking spaces, particularly in the central districts of Montreal. Ultimately, there is no reason to charge the owner of a small, heavy electric car versus a gasoline car for the right to park. Therefore, the price of stickers will be frozen at the December 2023 rates for a first term.
Parking in Montreal La Ronde parking lot will remain open despite the current administration's desire to transform it into a lookout when there is ample space to build it right next to the parking lot. Keep parking especially for people who live far from Montreal, people with young children as well as tourists.
Cycle paths For several years, the City of Montreal has implemented an elaborate system of cycle paths. It’s time to take a break and focus on other priorities. In the 2024 budget of the current municipal administration, it is proposed to spend $525 million on social housing. It is also proposed to spend $525 million on new bike lanes. The City must put real priorities forward and allocate money to real priorities, those that will help people in their everyday lives. The cycling network is sufficient in Montreal and Novo proposes to redirect money towards real priorities that affect people. The City of Montreal must stop clearing snow from cycle paths in winter. A complete waste of money. In winter, certain cycle paths must be returned to citizens for parking. A fair sharing of the public highway.
Transfer tax As recognition for having chosen to invest in our city, the transfer tax will be waived for a first purchase in Montreal and following administrative verifications, the new resident will receive a check for $2,000.00.
Financial assistance / major works Local shop owners are the lifeblood of the local economy. Shop owners affected by major work will be entitled to reimbursement of the business tax depending on the duration of a project. It is important to support the companies that works closest to citizens.
Parc du Mont-Royal According to two consultations that the current administration has chosen to ignore, Montrealers want to keep open access, from the east, to the Parc du Mount Royal. The current direction taken by the municipal administration of wanting to spend more than $100 million will be abolished. The most beautiful path to reach the summit will be preserved in its current state. In addition, no toll will be introduced to access Mont-Royal Park. The City of Montreal must avoid having 10,000 more vehicles circulate through Dr. Penfield Street and Côte Sainte-Catherine.
Safe City Make everyone responsible when using public roads. It’s a way to make our common spaces safer, by making everyone responsible. Example ; when there is a cycle path, the cyclist must use it and not ride on the street with cars.
French in Montreal French is the official language of Quebec as well as the City of Montreal. It is important to promote this language, because it is in danger of disappearing in Canada. Specific measures will be taken to promote it.
Blue-collar workers Many city employees (blue-collar workers) have incredible knowledge of the issues, but are not consulted. Novo wants to change this dynamic and include their recommendations in the evolution of the City of Montreal.
Recycling Novo proposes to achieve a more respectable target in the field of recycling which is currently not being met.
Parks and school areas Make these places safer by widely using one meter high “Parisian” fences near play and rest areas in city parks.
“Sponge” streets Another project of the current municipal administration that does not achieve its objectives. An expense multiplied by three to do work that is impossible to do in Montreal, because the geology of the soil is not appropriate for such a project.
Montreal Public Consultation Office Review the operation of this entity to avoid abuse of powers by taking advantage of public funds to pay for travel, lodging and meals.
Anti-Racism Commissioner Yet another program from the current administration that is completely non-essential, expensive and unnecessary. It is already covered by two other levels of government.
Salaries of elected officials The undue increase in the salaries of elected officials of the City of Montreal must be attached to a standard before being voted on by themselves. It is proposed to link future salary increases for elected officials to the rates obtained by blue-collar workers when signing a valid collective agreement.
Cryptocurrency Taxpayers’ money should never be involved in cryptocurrency speculation.
Social housing plan The City of Montreal will direct more substantial budgets to tackle, with other levels of government, the work that concerns this issue. The current budget, of approximately $125 million per year, will be increased.

Priorities: 1. Engage in sound management with balanced budgets. 2. Freeze property taxes below the inflation rate. 3.Give work leave from construction and orange cones. 4.Focus on social housing...

...5.Make major arteries more mobile and fluid. 6.Increase parking.7.Keep access to Mount Royal open. 8. Develop the only viable public transportation, the metro...

...9.Reduce the number of elected officials as well as regularize their salaries. 10. Recover sums owed of several million dollars which are not returned to the city. 11.Present a plan to reduce homelessness. 12.Develop historic centres elsewhere than in Old Montreal...
...13.Make parks safer. 14. Increase the quality of construction by adjusting the powers of building inspectors. 15.Manage street corners made dangerous by adding too much greenery - they become blind spots. 16.Introduce a clean alley program.
Reminder: This is just a summary of the much more detailed program that will be available in 2025.
If you have comments and especially suggestions for improving the offer, contact Novo Montréal.